As a business owner, I often forget that I get to make pretty much all the decisions. That means I create the company culture. I decide what projects and clients to take on, I choose when and where to get my work done, and best of all, I can choose to give back.
Every July, Erica Walter Writes donates 10% of revenue to the Forget Me Not Foundation, an organization at Sacred Heart hospital in Spokane that helped our family through the darkest time in our lives and continues to serve families in need.
But this year, Hudson would have been 11 years old. Her GOLDEN BIRTHDAY! So when it comes to the business contribution part of this equation, we’re kicking it up a notch. My incredible team and I met to plan Q3 a few weeks ago and agreed that for Hudson’s 11th birthday, we’d double our typical donation and give 20% of company revenue to the Forget Me Not Foundation.
Here’s how to get involved:
- We’re donating 20% of company revenue to the Forget Me Not Foundation this month. If you are an existing or prospective client, you’re already making a big contribution! If you aren’t, but want to up-level your email marketing, you can sign up for The Get Email Marketing Experience! New yearly subscriptions enrolled in July will gain access to every monthly session through September of 2024 – that’s an additional $237 value on top of our best offer. And, 50% of new enrollments this month is going straight to the Forget Me Not Foundation which means you’re also making a $449 donation to an incredible organization when you enroll this month!
- You can buy my book. All proceeds go to the Forget-Me-Not-Foundation.
- You can donate directly.
Visit this link >>
Then, fill in donation information (see the screengrab below)

I’ll be updating on progress throughout the month of July over on the @ericawalterwrites Instagram page and via the Weekly Email Party, so if you aren’t already following and subscribed… what are you waiting for?
Need the backstory?
Listen to the Work Hard, Mom Harder podcast pilot
Listen to Hudson’s month 2020 kick-off episode
Listen to Conquering Your Fear
Listen to Cocktails and Sisters
Listen to “The Story of Our Lives”
Learn a Life-Lesson from ANOTHER Fiesty Red-Head
Get ready for a good cry and read the Meet Baby Dub blog