Email Marketing Best Practice|The Get Email Marketing Experience

Emails That Convert

We’re heading into the final countdown to October – November – December, and this month is all about testing and refining our content and offer strategy to ensure we are laser focused when the heavy-hitting campaigns drop. Here are some concepts to consider as you look at the campaigns you planned for the final month of Q3, and some concepts to consider regardless of the time of year in order to ensure your emails get your subscribers to take action!

To send emails that convert, you need to understand your customer

Consider where they’re at in their journey with your business. What do they need to do, know, or have in order to take the next step?

Consider what motivates them during this particular time of year and in the context of their journey. Is it access to special products? Is it a one-time pricing incentive? Are they going to be more motivated by entertaining and gifting themes, or are they shopping for themselves?

Think on these questions before you complete the strategy briefs for your upcoming emails, and you’ll have a much stronger ability to write copy that inspires action. Which is great, because that’s the next section of this blog post!

Write words that inspire action

Armed with the insights you arrive at with the questions above, you can sit down to write the copy for your email campaigns.

Craft subject lines that speak to the motivations you identified in that process. At Erica Walter Writes, we write 30 subject lines before we move on to the copywriting for the main email. Don’t panic if you think this sounds like a waste of time. It actually makes the rest of your email copy go fasterIt loosens up the mental junk and inspires the best subject line, sure. But it also gives you tons of options to use for your headlines, body copy, even your calls to action!

Optimize your shopping experience

The best email in the world can only take your customers so far… to your website or landing page to take the next step. If your website has a clunky shopping experience, or you drop them on a page where they have to hunt and peck around to find your featured products or services, you’ve likely lost your customers.

People have high expectations for a seamless purchase experience online these days. Many of us can’t be bothered to pick up the phone or send in a support email, either. We simply give up. Which means you might not even know if your customers are struggling to make their purchase.

Take some time this week to actually go through your shopping experience to try and make an online purchase, and see where there may be friction. You want to ensure your subscribers don’t have any frustration when they’re shopping for your products and services BEFORE you send a ton of traffic to your website!

Make your offers irresistible

How you price and position what you sell MATTERS. There are a ton of fascinating case studies and theories around pricing strategy, pricing anchors, and more that I won’t get into here… because I WILL be getting into it in the next session of The Get Email Marketing Experience on September 13 at 10am PST.

Emails That Convert!
September 13, 2023 at 10 am PST

This masterclass will give you absolute clarity on how to create emails that inspire action from your subscribers – from the words you use to the order those words are presented in. 

You’ll also design a roadmap to test how you position offers, helping you refine your strategy between now and the heavy-hitting November / December holiday push and beyond! After all, we want our email program to sell all the time, not just during the holidays!

I’ll share case studies to inspire you, give you proven tactics to incorporate for your own email marketing, and of course save plenty of time at the end for your specific questions. 

Here’s what you get:

1 hour of live training 
A customized playbook to implement the teachings
30 minutes of Q&A to have your specific questions answered.
The confidence of knowing that you’ll be optimizing every email to support your sales goals.

Value: $899+++

Price: $79

The words we say, the offers we craft, and the place we take our customers is all fueled by an understanding of our customer needs and motivations, so don’t skimp on that first one. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on sending emails that convert.