Enjoy some party music and a summary of the tips below in this video of the email party master… ME!
Pretty much my WHOLE jam is helping email marketing NOT suck for business owners (and for their customers who receive emails from them).
I LOVE email marketing (in case you couldn’t tell) and want YOU to love it too. So today I’m going to share my TOP THREE TIPS to make email a party.
1. Most parties aren’t completely impromptu. Plan ahead for email marketing success!
If you’re throwing a party in person (someday, when the ‘rona isn’t an issue), you usually put some forethought into it. You have a location or venue, a theme, an invite list, a date and time. You also don’t throw a party and then panic – OH CRAP, what will I feed you? What are we drinking? You put thought into this in advance, so that you can have a good time and so can your guests.
That same philosophy applies to your email party. You want to put some forethought into your email campaign, decide who it is going to be sent to (your “invite list”), pick a theme for your content, and gather the supplies (images, links, content, and copy) in advance.
2. Think about your guests (a.k.a. subscribers).
Part of the fun in throwing a party is hearing your guests rave about it afterward. Am I right? And most of the time a party is about the people attending, or the guest of honor. Make your subscribers the guest of honor and think of all the ways your email campaigns can make them RAVE about you later. This is fun! And grounding yourself in the WHY behind the harder (and sometimes not-so-glamorous) work of putting together effective emails will help you when you’re getting frustrated or discouraged.
3. Reward yourself during and after.
There are parties, and then there’s the afterparty.
Add little rituals to your email creation time that bring joy and fun to the process. You could change scenery and build your emails from your back patio like I sometimes do. You could always have your favorite salty snack on hand for email day. You could play your favorite upbeat jams while you do the work. And when your email goes out, do a little happy dance, pour yourself a glass of pink bubbles, or take a bubble bath (while we’re on the topic of bubbles).
When you associate email builds with misery, it will come through in your campaign no matter how hard you try. AND it will make you NOT want to do another email, because you’ve decided email sucks. But if you add joy to the email process, it will become something you actually look forward to AND your customers will be looking forward to it too, because they can sense that a party is to be had.
So there you have it. Plan ahead and be prepared for email builds to set yourself up for success. Think about your guests when you’re building emails, and reward yourself with fun rituals during AND after the email campaign creation process to make it something you AND your subscribers look forward to.
P.S. In my video, I made a little mistake. Human to Human Marketing is actually the week after next. Next week, we’ll be talking about Holiday Marketing and Postcard Gap Closer Emails. Hope to see you on the blog next week!