It’s the June email content ideas dump! If your email content ideas for June are lacking, read on to gain a few helpful ideas, see a few examples I really love, and fill in your calendar with value-added content to delight and engage your subscribers.
High level themes to inspire June email content ideas
Schoooool’s out for the summah!
The end of May and first few weeks of June are the start of summer break! Share your Top 5 Family Activities to fill the summer months (bonus points if they involve your product or service). Recommend summer vacation or staycation itineraries for busy families. Graduation gifts and experiences are another topic to tackle, if your business offers anything a high school or college grad would be excited about!
Summer not only means no school. It means hotter temps. Talking about the weather isn’t just for the line at the grocery store! Think warm weather essentials (e.g. sunscreen, apparel, and anything else that helps you keep cool). Share great tips for outdoor entertaining, from table decor to recipes. If people are spending more time outside, because it’s nicer out, what does your business do or sell that makes that experience easier or more enjoyable?
Get June email content ideas from hashtag holidays
You know it wouldn’t be a June email content ideas roundup post without a few hashtag holidays to chuckle at (and hopefully, get inspired by!).
June 1st is Say Something Nice Day! Send an email thanking your customers for the support they show you and your business. Encourage them to pass the love on and say something nice to somebody important in their lives.
In a similar vein, June 8 is Best Friends Day. Take inspiration from this kid’s clothing retailer and do a “get one give one” ride-along in a campaign that launched on June 8. It makes it feel special, but isn’t the primary focus of the email campaign.

What’s a ride-along?
It’s a totally made-up (BY ME) term for a secondary message in an email campaign. I like creating ride-alongs for links to the online events calendar, asking people to update their email preferences, and ongoing shipping promotions. Anything that’s important, but isn’t necessarily the primary goal of the campaign, can become a ride-along. You create this beautiful little chunk of content and hitch it on to your outbound emails, or even your recurring campaigns for a period of time. BAM. Ride-along.
Father’s Day
Obviously, I can’t let the month of June pass without spotlight on the patriarch of the family. Whether it’s gifts, experiences, or services, if your business can help your subscribers and customers be dad’s favorite come June 16, tell ‘em how!
But Father’s Day can also be a sore spot for some, and that’s okay. Check out this super proactive way to tackle a sensitive subject from my email marketing darling, Chubbies.

Speaking of being proactive… there’s also the 4th of July
Here I’m talking to my US of A based readership, which, based on Google Analytics, is most of ya’ll. This year, Independence Day lands on a Thursday. You can bet there’s a “bonus long weekend” planned for a lot of your customers. Does that align to any of your products or services?
I’ll dive in more on the 4th come the July email content idea round-up, but there may be an opportunity for you to talk fireworks and the red, white, and blue EARLIER, especially if your product ships and needs to arrive before the 4th.
Summin’ it up
From dads and grads to best friends and fireworks, I hope you found some email content ideas for June in this round-up post. And if you are reading this and saying, “Erica, I plan my content three months in advance, like you taught me,” I want to simultaneously hug and high five you. Which would be physically kind of hard.
Did I miss anything? Which of these ideas are you going to play off of for your own June email campaigns? Tell me in the comments!