I’m going to share three secrets that will take you from banging your head against the wall over email marketing tech headaches, writer’s block and generally not knowing if your emails are even going to pay off, to generating significant revenue and increased customer engagement by sending simple, compelling email marketing campaigns. Even if your email list is still tiny.
This is an exclusive masterclass sneak peek for participants of the Get Email Marketing Challenge. In this session, you’ll learn:
How to think about email marketing
if you really want to generate revenue when you push send.
What to prioritize
in your message to ensure you deliver extraordinary value to your subscribers, and to your bottom line.
My best time-saving hack
for making sure your work with email marketing gets you LONG TERM results.
Email marketing is the most effective direct marketing channel, generating over $38 for every $1 spent. But too many small business owners are leaving money on the table because they aren’t sure how to get started, or don’t know how to actually drive revenue with their efforts, or they haven’t been consistent and therefore aren’t getting results or traction. Join me for this 1-hour masterclass to learn how to overcome ALL of these hurdles and more!
The Masterclass Sneak Peek (just for GEMs) is Wednesday, February 17 at 1pm. Can’t make it? Register anyway and we’ll send you the replay.