Money-Making Email Secrets for Wineries
The events of the past three years shone a light on the importance of a solid email marketing program to keep customers engaged and e-commerce revenue flowing. But now that most wineries have caught on (and caught up), the competition in the inbox is even stiffer than before, and the revenue numbers aren’t keeping pace.
This free masterclass will teach winery marketers the three reasons their emails aren’t selling like they used to and uncover simple, highly effective tactics to overcome these obstacles so your emails start making money again. I’ll share what’s working and what isn’t when it comes to winery email marketing strategy, illuminate the least-looked-at, highest-impact tool in your email marketing toolkit, and give you a step-by-step process for creating your most effective email marketing plan yet.
Attend live and have your specific questions answered!
Email marketing is still the most cost effective and powerful way to drive revenue and engagement, but wineries have to evaluate how they’re sending emails to keep pace with changing customer expectations. Join me to learn how you can start making more money with your marketing emails!