Email Marketing Best Practice

Three important ways to use September to prep for the holidays!

You wanna crush O-N-D? Of course you do. You’ve got the rest of September to get your ducks in a row, so if you are feeling a little behind, here are the three areas I want you to focus on.

1. Plan your Q4 campaigns

2. Focus on growing & nurturing your email list – nurtured subscribers NOW mean more people to sell to in OND!

3. Optimize your website for conversions!! 

I’m unpacking each of these concepts in more depth during the next three Learnin’ Thursdays, starting with today…

How to plan your Q4 campaigns in 15 minutes or less.

Grab a pen, paper, and a timer.

Set the timer for 10 minutes.

Answer the following Qs:
1. What do I do in OND that solve a customer problem or make my customer’s life better?

2. What do I offer (products or services) that my customers may not already know about?

3. What’s trending (on social, in the news etc.)

4. What is happening in my business / community / the world?  
This one is so easy in OND, at least for my American friends – October is Boss’s Day or Halloween, November is Thanksgiving and December is Christmas.

5. What day is it?  Or shoot, even, what time is it?
(e.g. “It’s 5 o’clock somewhere”)
Are there weekly recurring themes tied to days of the week that you could create a campaign around?

Your timer goes off, you grab another colored pen and you circle the ideas you are most excited about. I want you to have at least three. Then, you go ahead and you put your favorites on a calendar – you should be emailing everybody on your email list at least once every month. 

Tune in next week for a deeper dive into growing & nurturing your email list in September to capitalize on holiday mindset.

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