Email Marketing Best Practice|The Get Email Marketing Experience

Plan Your Emails Better this Summer

Want to know the secret to having an effective email marketing program for your business? It’s planning!

I know, it might seem obvious, but there are a remarkable number of small businesses who I see sending emails on the fly, only right before an event or launch, or with horrible consistency (aka none). When email is an afterthought, it gets afterthought level results. Nobody wants that, including your subscribers who are getting those slapped together communications.

Setting aside the time to plan emails in advance is an investment, I know. And as marketers who wear lots of different hats, that time is a precious commodity. But that is exactly WHY you need to start planning. You don’t have time to waste time. So plan your emails well, and they will take less time to write, build, and send. PLUS they will end up with higher quality content and results. Who doesn’t want that! Want to know how?

Well, friends – I answered that question in our session of The Get Email Marketing Experience on June 14, 2023 at 10am PST. We planned Q3 2023 email campaigns together (all emails for July, August, and September) and it was FIRE!

These quarterly planning workshops are designed to get you inspired and motivated to send better emails each and every quarter. Once a quarter, I’ll provide prompts to inspire you, unlock your best ideas, and get you DREAMING again. We’ll spend some time talking about your email marketing goals, brainstorm exciting ways to delight your subscribers, and I’ll share winning tactics to get customers opening up those wallets!

You’ll leave with goals for the quarter.

You’ll leave with specific campaign themes and concepts that will help you obliterate those goals.

You’ll leave inspired, and excited to create and send emails! 

You will be given inspiration for DAYS and you’ll walk away with a plan to WIN with your email campaigns in the upcoming quarter.

Sad you missed out on our Q3 workshop? Never again!

SAY YES to your email marketing success by signing up for GEMx yearly today and never miss another quarterly planning workshop. What is GEMx? You can learn more about The Get Email Marketing Experience here.

Here’s what you get:

Monthly, hour-long training sessions on a range of topics that will help you get better results with your email marketing including quarterly planning workshops – I charge $500 for speaking engagements like this!

30 minute Q&A sessions for you to get your specific questions answered ($249 value)

Planning tools, playbooks, swipe files and checklists to help you apply what you learn ($149 value each!)

The confidence that comes from knowing that you’re getting better at email marketing every.single.month (priceless!)

TOTAL VALUE: $898+ / month
YOU PAY: $79 / month