Marketing Automation|Triggered

The All-Powerful Birthday Email

I celebrated my 40th birthday last weekend and MAN, am I excited about the decade ahead. It seemed an appropriate time to bring up birthday emails again! Birthday campaigns can be a fantastic way to connect with your subscribers, to celebrate a milestone, and to generate revenue. In fact, here are some recent, sexy stats

Marketing Automation|Transactional|Triggered

Abandoned Cart Email Strategy

Tips inspired by my husband’s online shopping habits I want to talk about a touchy subject… abandoned cart emails. Anytime I bring up abandoned cart emails, whether in a speaking engagement or one-on-one with a client, I can see those shoulders go up and those faces scrunch… I get it. Abandoned cart emails can be

Email Marketing Best Practice|Marketing Automation

Email Essentials Overview

When I started my business two years ago, I envisioned working with lots of different businesses to implement what I call “Email Essentials” – the foundational elements of email that not only nurture customers from the start, they also make all of your ongoing marketing efforts more effective. I believe so much in the power

Customer Journey|Marketing Automation

The Perfect Customer Journey

In this video, I explain how to work smarter, rather than harder, with email marketing. Set up a system where email is sent automatically when your customers reach a new stage in their customer lifecycle. This will help nurture them through the process from having never heard of your business to becoming a raving fan

Customer Journey|Marketing Automation

Birthday Emails 2.0

It’s my birthday! No, it’s not.But, it was my birthday yesterday. And while I did a showcase on triggered emails in 2018 that included a birthday gem from Chubbies, it seemed only fitting to give birthday emails love with a dedicated post. Here’s an “Erica’s Birthday Celebration” round-up featuring the best birthday emails I received